Spiritual Resources
If you are:

  • looking for a closer relationship  with God,
  • yearning for more meaning in your life,
  • wanting to understand things from a spiritual point of view,
  • facing physical challenges  where you have been told
    there is little to no hope, or
  • simply confused about ideas and concepts expressed in the Bible and are looking for answers,
  • Listen to Daniel Tongori
    Click to wath this video

    then below are tools and resources available to help you in your journey. The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, MA, along with the Christian Science Publishing Society and this branch church have a variety of resources for your benefit.

    Weekly Bible Lesson
    People all over the world read or listen to the Christian Science Weekly Bible Lesson. More than any other resource, this will launch your spiritual journey into high gear. There are 26 Bible Lesson topics and one is studied each week. The topics repeat twice each year. With its focus on the Bible, supplemented by a textbook, Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, the Weekly Lesson resonates with incredibly timely concepts encouraging and helping you handle whatever is challenging you throughout your day.

    The First Church of Christ, Scientists
    The official web site of the Christian Science Church in Boston, Massachusetts, established by Mary Baker Eddy.

    The Christian Science Sentinel Radio Edition
    A weekly radio program broadcast around the world. It is released monthly on CD and audiocassette. Listen to online full-sample programs for free.

    The Mary Baker Eddy Library for the Betterment of Humanity

    The Christian Science Monitor
    An international daily newspaper "which has established principles of integrity and objectivity that have served and continue to serve as a model for good journalism." (Boston Globe, August 2001). Since it was founded in 1908 by Mary Baker Eddy, it has grown into a multimedia website, an e-mail edition, a personal digital assistant (PDA) edition, and a downloadable PDF of the print version.

    A site designed to heal, inspire, and guide you on your spiritual journey through the many resources of The Christian Science Publishing Society.

    Forums and More:
    Resources to The Max!

    Looking to find out more about Christian Science? Writing a term paper or studying comparative religion? An avid reader of the Christian Science Weekly Bible Lesson and you're interested in what others have garnered from their studies? Got something interesting to share? The Forums are for you! Click on the Forums button on the menu bar above, then click on the desired forum to display the list of topics. These forums are for your use and you are welcome to post ideas and reply to what others have said. Please don't debate or criticize. All postings will be moderated. Ideas that are on topic are great and your understanding that some people are just starting their journey is appreciated. Read the Weekly Bible Lesson section to learn how the 26 Lesson topics work.

    Read What Others Have to Say
    The Christian Science Sentinel weekly magazine can really help you apply what you are learning to your daily life. Read about real experiences of people from all over the world.
    Click here to learn more about the Christian Science Sentinel

    Want a Life Changing Event?
    Click on Lectures and see!

    Try Before You Buy
    There's a big resource available that has some of the best resource material, and you can try it before you buy. Click on Reading Room to learn more.

    Using Church As A Resource.
    When you make a commitment to a church your life becomes more fulfilled. You become part of something bigger than yourself. You meet others who have been applying to their lives the truth they have gained by their love for God and mankind. You have the opportunity to give to others in ways you cannot do alone. If our church is not in your area, you can click on the Churches button on the menu bar above to view the Christian Science Church geographic locator, hosted by Google. Select a region by clicking on the desired area, then click on what you want to view in the popup balloon.

    Feel the Need to Dive Deeper?
    Click to learn more about the Christian Science Journal Discover the deeper realms of spirituality by reading inspiring articles in the Christian Science Journal, a monthly magazine. These articles are written by people who have spent years studying the Bible and Mary Baker Eddy's textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Take advantage of what Click here to learn more about Science & HealthBible scholars, highly developed spiritual thinkers, and folks who have simply tried different ways of applying the principles of Christian Science to their daily lives and you will find yourself diving deeper into a new world opened to you by the Christian Science Journal.

    Like What You See?
    Then use these resources. That's it. There is nothing else to do. You are on your path towards a deeper relationship with God. If you feel the need for more support, then get involved. Visit our Reading Room, attend our church service, join this church, or join The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, MA. When you do, you will begin to give to others in this community in ways you cannot do alone.